T&E Farms, LLC
Striving for Excellence in
structure and production

Then . . .
History in the Making
We are Travis & Erica Lewis, and welcome to Fairland, Oklahoma! We are a small farm in Northeast Oklahoma, hoping to make big waves. As a sheep farm in mainly cattle country, we frequently get a funny look when people ask what type of livestock we raise and reply SHEEP!
But let me back up and start from the beginning. Travis and I have known each other since 2003. Back then, we both worked retail, but not until 2009 did we become friends. Our common interest was a love of horseback riding and my (Erica) introduction to chuckwagon racing. We had so much fun, and we became a couple as time passed. And in 2013, we finally tied the knot. I got a husband and a weenie dog, and Travis got a wife, 2 dogs, 7 goats, and 5 cows. Poor Rusty (the weenie dog)! Life has never been the same for him. In 2014, our son arrived, and what a change! We enjoyed our small acreage and animals and sharing our hobby farm life with our son. But we wanted more.
2015, the cattle prices were extremely high, and we sold out. Travis was interested in something more stable and didn't want the considerable equipment expense of cattle. He had always been interested in sheep, and we were in a position to look at what was out there. The Royal White sheep caught Travis' attention. After a bit more research, we were off to buy a small starter herd. By the end of 2015, we were hooked and looking for more property. And then a storm of chaos showed up. We learned we were expecting baby #2 and were given a lead on a very run-down property at an excellent price. Hey, who can resist a good price, right?!?! Christmas Eve 2015, we signed for our piece of junky heaven off the beaten path and WAY back in the woods. Not until much later did I learn that Travis had reservations. I, on the other hand, could see my diamond in the rough. We did a fast, mostly gut job on the house and tried to get the house back into a liveable condition before baby #2 arrived, but NOPE! She came two weeks early, and more chaos ensued (lots of chuckling here because I did bring this on myself). We moved in on Easter weekend in 2016 with electricity, running water, a toddler, an infant, and much hard work on the horizon. We have been busy ever since!
Today, we are raising two little farmers, still working on the house, increasing our sheep flock, milking the goats, raising chickens, and enjoying our dreams come to fruition. But now is the time for the next leg of our journey.
Our goal for the sheep herd has always been to raise replacement ewes with excellent maternal instincts and milking ability to raise meat lambs, and we are doing that. But I want more. I want to introduce our community to unique foods grown responsibly in the best way for the animals and the land. Our next leg of the journey has been exploring regenerative grazing to improve our soils naturally and holistically. To control weeds and brush, we are adding Kiko goats. They have proved hardy so far and very good at clearing the brush. In the second year of this regenerative journey, we have seen diversified vegetation growth, increased butterfly and bee activity, and no small amount of frustration with the drought. Year three, and I am stretching our comfort zone! I have added the Farmer's Market to our busy schedule. As we try to introduce more people to our farm's new and unique flavors, we work hard to do it sustainably. We hope our local communities will enjoy the foods that so much of the world enjoys, but many in our area have never tried. So with this in mind, visit. Join our journey!